Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain: Aiding and Abetting Bin Laden and an Asshole Too

John Sidney McCain III last night told us he "knows how to get Bin Laden." Well, that's comforting. How long has he known this? He's been running for President for 2 years, has he known the whole time? If he has, why the fuck hasn't he gotten him yet? What the fuck is he waiting for? A fucking invitation from Pakistan? A blessing from Cheney and W.? If he's so goddamn sure how to get Bin Laden and he hasn't he is doing nothing short of aiding and abetting Bin Laden and Al Qaeda in all terrorist attacks and plots between the day Sydney knew how to get him and today. What a 'douche.

We all know Sidney is a hot-tempered grumpy old man. Add to it, "asshole." Look at this video from TPM. Obama clearly puts his hand out to shake Sidney's, but Sidney refuses and instead gestures to his vacant wife, who shakes Obama's hand.

I've covered this before, Sidney is also a coward. Last night made it glaringly obvious. For days Sidney and his sock puppet Palin have been calling Obama a terrorist, bringing up bogus claims about Ayers, and refusing to reprimand their lynch-mob audience when they scream to kill Obama or shout that he's a terrorist. But when Sidney had to look Obama in the eye and call him a terrorist, he couldn't. That's because Sidney is a coward. A pussy. He's like the kid in high school who talks shit but when confronted claims he didn't say anything or that he was misinterpreted. That guy was a pussy too, and he rightfully got his ass kicked. Sidney will get his ass kicked, too, in the election. He will go down as the GOP's biggest loser since Goldwater.

Update 10/9/08: TPM and Kos agree. Sidney = COWARD

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