Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain is a Pussy

Look, McCain may taut his inability to fly a plane in Vietnam as a great resume item, but we're seeing his true colors now. He's a fucking pussy. Period. Does he really think anyone is going to buy his political stunt that he's going to suspend his campaign for the betterment of the political process while the financial crisis he helped create (read this for a primer on the whole disaster), he's dreaming. Just like he was dreaming when he thought this moron religious-nut-job from Alaska would help him win (win the wingnut base maybe, but certainly not the election).

I can barely believe that Mr. Tough Guy, who actually wore a flight suit (unlike W. who just pretended during his Mission Un-Accomplished boondoggle), is running scared from a skinny black guy with funny ears. And, make no mistake, that's exactly what he's doing. He's running away with his sack tucked like Buffalo Bill from the debate.

But, we have come to expect this crap from this wimp. He's been crying for weeks that the press is so hard on him and Sarah. Yeah, count the number of articles written about Keating 5. It's less than 6 and infinitely less than the number written about whether Obama is a Muslim. He's also now accustomed to hiding behind Sarah's skirt - deflecting attacks pointed at him as "sexist" or some other bogus thing.

Look, it's time that people starting calling McCain what he is: a pussy, a coward, yellow, etc. He'd be a unmitigated disaster as President. What, the first time Putin goes "Boo!" he'd run and hide and call for a no-political-zone? What a joke. This guy should have retired a long time ago. This country needs to tell him what his drugged-out wife won't - go home to AZ with the rest of the blue-hairs and let the world continue to pass you by.

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