Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election Prediciton

Well, it's fun to be wrong, so let's see how wrong I can be.

I predict this is a landslide election. A complete and total rejection of the republican governing philosophy. People have been bamboozled for a decade now (three decades if you include Regan/Bush I/Bush II) that the government is bad, gays and Mexicans are invading and ruining America, and that liberals will tax you to death. The republican brand is in tatters not because Bush is a terrible president (though he is) but because conservatism is a terrible governing philosophy. You simply can't hate government and think it's terrible and then try and run government. You will create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, I predict Obama wins all Kerry states plus NH, CO, NM, NV, IA, FL, OH, VA, MO, MT, and NC. The republicans will be reduced to a quasi-regional government that's only popular in deep Southern states, insanely libertarian states, and Utah. The Senate will be dominated by Democrats with a 58 true Democratic majority. Lieberman will continue to be king of the Senate douche-bags, but will work with the Dems. The House will be overwhelmingly Dem, though not quite a supermajority. The blue dogs will be in the wilderness and rejected by the mainline and progressive Dem caucuses and thus forced to actually be Democrats. If you want to look at the data and make your own projection, the best site is

I can't wait.

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